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The conference will bring together multi-disciplinary expertise from all relevant fields. We invite submissions for an abstract of a research-based paper in any of the relevant fields, including but not limited to:

  1. Linguistics (Any issue related to either theoretical or applied linguistics)
  2. Literature (Any literary issue related to English, Arabic, and others)
  3. Translation (Any translation and interpreting issue related to English, Arabic, and other languages and dialects)
  4. Religious linguistics (Any linguistic study related to religious texts and speeches)
  5. Languages and dialects – Any linguistic issue related to English, Arabic, and other languages and dialects such as:

Morphology and syntax / Phonetics and phonology / Corpus linguistics / Historical linguistics / Sociolinguistics / Contact linguistics / Psycholinguistics / Contrastive linguistics / Comparative linguistics / Neurolinguistics / Interlinguistics / Computational linguistics / Linguistic statistics / Orthography / Pragmatics / Rhetoric / Stylistics / Semantics / Linguistic typology / Bilingualism / Social Networks / Education (Issues such as teaching, program evaluation, Curriculum Development) / …