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Knowledge as Lived Experience of Worldhood or Involvement in Possible Worlds Semantics Mediated Through Language

Dr. Zdzisław Wąsik,

Philological School of Higher Education in Wrocław, Poland

In this paper, experiential knowledge as lived perceptions of the real world, will be confronted with acquisitional knowledge as linguistic actions of text-production and text-reception. Knowledge acquired through language includes bodies of information stored as texts not only in human thought but also in speech and writing. It entails meaningful information acquired both through learning and understanding processes and a reflexive participation in meaning-constructing-processes. The author will argue that the meanings derived from coping with texts may differ from meanings embedded in texts produced for communicative purposes. The humans’ involvement in meaning-processing and meaning-interpreting activities entails also emotional-aesthetic and intellectual-informative, or conceptual and formative dimensions, connected with semantic transparency or opacity of texts. Worth noting is anticipatory knowledge of forthcoming, never experienced facts and states of affair, which appears in the mind of signifying and communicating individuals as imaginative alterations of abstractions through personal, or social, construction of reality. When similar schematic constructs come into being in the minds of members of a linguistic community, as an outcome of recurring interactions, it is understandable that they find reflections in commonalities of verbal meaning bearers. Humans integrate with each other individually on the basis of observable verbal means in accordance with inferable understanding of meaning bearers, which pertain to the relationships between their inner and outer worlds. Their contacts with external environments is mediated through language, constituting the reservoir of their lifetime’s stock of knowledge, their lifetime’s contribution to the world and to the collective stock of knowledge about the world.

The above abstract is a part of the article which was accepted at The Fourth Annual International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature (WWW.LLLD.IR), 1-2 February 2020, Iran-Ahwaz.