Sabrina Abdulkadhom Abdulridha Jelal,
Department of English, College of Education for Human Sciences, Al-Zahraa University for Women, Iraq
The concept of nature in literary works is not altogether a new phenomenon. It has been spotted in the earliest works of literature and has been a concept that poets approach, revealing how they perceive nature and what kind of relationship they might share. With every scientific discovery, however, an impact on the human mind may reframe the manner of perception. The twentieth century has witnessed a drastic increase in scientific studies that reveal the impact of humans on the natural environment, which in turn effected the way people think about the relationship between human societies and nature. With new perceptions of viewing nature, the way people narrate stories and write poetry has been changing as well. That is why the manner and aims of how nature has been approached and analyzed in poetry has drastically changed in today’s world. One of the most common eras that witnessed a wide use of nature is Romantic Age. This presentation shall analyze and evaluate Romantic poetry according to the most recent types of literary criticism; “ecocriticism” showing thereby if it is possible to categorize the poetic productions during this era under the means of “ecopoetry.”
Keywords: Ecopoetry, Nature, Ecocriticism, Romanticism, Global Warming
The above abstract is a part of the article which was accepted at The Sixth International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature (WWW.LLLD.IR), 9-10 October 2021, Ahwaz.