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Motivation and Demotivation for Learning English as a Foreign Language EFL: A Case Study of College Students of Tourism Sciences

Najat Abdul-Muttalib Muhammad Jawad,

Department of Tourism, College of Tourism Sciences, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq

Learning English as a foreign language LEF mainly exists in the countries where English is not spoken, and there, it will be the role of motivation and demotivation to learn a language that is not the mother tongue. Motivation is the learner’s attitude, desire, and willingness to enlarge the student’s knowledge in a foreign language. Demotivation connotes the opposite meaning. Both concepts are caused by internal and external factors. A sample of students in the College of Tourism Sciences was taken to do a questionnaire to draw out motivation and demotivation for LEF. Undergraduate and graduate students were chosen for the questionnaire in order to be compared. What are the things that motivate foreign students to study English? What are the factors of demotivation that may affect their learning of English? Is there a positive or negative attitude towards learning English as a foreign language?  In conclusion, motivations outweigh demotivation which proves that there is a positive view towards learning English. Lower results & poor achievements are related to demotivating factors, and apparently, they hinder the learning of English.

 The above abstract is a part of the article which was accepted at The Seventh International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature (WWW.LLLD.IR), 11-12 June 2022, Ahwaz.