Equating and Contrasting in Religious Contexts: A Critical Stylistic Study

Dr. Wafa’ Abbas Sahan & Dr. Mostafa A. S. Rosheed,

Department of English, College of Education for Humanities, University of Karbala, Karbala, Iraq

This study utilizes ‘equating and contrasting’ as a textual-conceptual tool within the framework of critical stylistics to demonstrate the textual triggers that reflect these concepts in religious texts, aiming to extract the implied ideologies. The data consists of selected religious discourses from the Prophet Mohammed’s tradition regarding his Household. The study concludes that certain textual triggers reflect equating as well as contrasting in the Prophet Mohammed’s sayings about his Household. Equating is used to reflect the state in which the Household is made identical to the Prophet Mohammed. The ideological implications of equating are textually produced through several textual triggers such as intensive relational equivalence, appositional equivalence, metaphorical equivalence, and parallel structure. Contrasting, on the other hand, reveals the exclusivity of salvation to the Household, excluding any other possible pathways. The ideological implications of contrasting are textually produced through two textual triggers only: parallelism and transitional structure.

Keywords: Critical Stylistics, Equating and Contrasting, Ideology, Religious Discourse

The above abstract is a part of the article which was accepted at The 10th International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature (WWW.TLLL.IR), 1-2 February 2025, Ahwaz.